Sunday, December 6, 2009

South African flavoured BaaBaa's

New Zealand is known for it's lamb, but it was a distinctly South African flavoured BaaBaa's side that was bleating after Saturdays match.

A good performance by a bunch of talented internationals thrown together in a week overcame a 2nd string No.1 ranked All Black side.

Rokocoko facing the Haka was the first moment that indicated it was going to be no ordinary international match. Clearly lacking a usual test match atmosphere and intensity, there was no lack of entertainment. Habana surely showing why he is the world's best finisher scored a hatrick, and against any New Zealand side this is no easy feat.

The exciting backline of du Preez, Gitteua, Habana, Roberts, Fourie, Rokocoko and Mitchell displayed some exciting moments during the game. Especially exciting was Roberts and Fourie combing in the centres.

The forwards also gave a stellar performance and uncapped international WP Nel showed that he has a future on the international rugby scene. It was only the second time in history that the Barbarians have beaten the All Blacks, and even though it was a second string New Zealand outfit it was a good win and a good way to finish of the international year.